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General Articles PSLE Listening Comprehension Examination

Listening Comprehension paper is used as a good measure of a child’s language ability. What is a systematic way to prepare them for the Listening Comprehension paper?

General Articles 2017 New PSLE Chinese Language Examination (Applicable for Year 2020)

In the year 2017, MOE made some changes to the PSLE Examination format for Chinese Language. Changes were made to the Listening Comprehension paper, Oral assessment as well as the written paper.

General Articles 3 tips to make learning Chinese language easier for children in Primary Schools
Children acquire language skills faster than adults, so why do children in schools lament that learning Chinese language is difficult?
It is important to maintain a good balance between studying Chinese language to meet the needs of school demands and learning Chinese language as an everyday language. When children connect learning Chinese language with enjoyable activities, learning Chinese language becomes easier. There are many opportunities in our daily lives when learning Chinese language can be incorporated. Here are 3 tips.