Dragon Universal is a program-planning agency specializing in enrichment courses and subject-themed activities for schools.
As no one school is alike, the team at Dragon Universal is committed to meet the different needs of each and every school, for each and every student. Be it a full-day camp or a half-day workshop, our experienced team is open to ideas to customize a program for you. So call us today to share your plans with us.
Dragon Education Enterprise has been providing educators and students with quality teaching and learning resources since the late 1990s.
The team of authors and editors ceaselessly work to produce teaching and learning materials that meet the needs of educators and students.
Dragon Education Enterprise is committed to working with stakeholders in creating products that are aligned to the syllabus set by Ministry of Education, Singapore.
We are the trusted name in the market for Oral Video Study Guides, Listening Comprehension Examination Practices, Chinese Language and English Language Written Examination Practices and Chinese Story Books.